Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Best Day

If you haven't heard it, Taylor Swift's song "The Best Day" is a must hear for anyone with a Mom. I played it for my Mom the other day and cried during most of it. The song is not sad per se and you don't have to be a huge Taylor fan to appreciate it, but it is so telling of the things that make a relationship with a Mom so special. Maybe you have to be a girl to appreciate it, or maybe you have to be a girl who did not see eye to eye with here Mom during her teenage years. But, I think the song cuts in a way that anyone with a sensitive bone in his/her body will be touched.

For me, the song is so touching because it reminds me of how quickly this life of ours goes. It seems like just the other day I was wearing slim jeans with hair down my back and feeling like no one could possibly understand how I felt. Now, I have a little one of my own, and I wonder how he will feel about me throughout his life. Who will he grow up to be? What will our relationship look like at 10, 16, 18, 25, 33?

I find myself looking at my Mom and Dad and wondering how it is possible that they could love me as much as I love my little boy. I know they do and that is hard. As adults, that kind of love is hard to believe. We know all of our secrets, all of our flaws, all of the reasons why our parents should like us let alone love us without limit.

The song's hook is "I had the best day with you today." Every day I have my parents in my world is the best day. They continue to teach me about life and love and politics. They continue to show me who I am and who I can be. My life is fuller for them, and my son's life is rich with them in it. So, my suggestion to you is to listen to Taylor Swift and let your parent's know about your best day with them.