Tuesday, September 22, 2009

These are the Moments

There is nothing sweeter than a baby sleeping, cooing, or smiling. Luke smiles at me for the first time on Friday. He gas smiled before, but Friday he really focused in on my eyes and smiled, twice. My heart melted.

It is amazing when you are home with your newborn that it is your sole job to care for them, amazing and daunting. Amazing that you have the opportunity to focus solely on this little person who has just entered the world and daunting because it is the most challenging job I have ever had.

Luke has started to nap in his crib, and he will now sit in his vibrating seat with out you having to bounce it at the same time. When we first brought him home, he didn't want to be put down, so we held him non-stop. It is amazing what 5 weeks will do.

I keep reading how Mom's can tell the difference between a baby's cries. I am still a little clueless when it comes to that, But, we have managed to start getting on a 3-hour schedule of eat, wake, sleep. Sometimes it is just eat and sleep, and I am still clueless as to what a baby wants to do during the wake part. But, I hope that will all become clear as he becomes more and more aware.

He has started to coo, and I have started to mimic him, which I think he likes. They are the sweetest sounds, and I am desperately trying to capture them on video as I know some day when he is 16 and telling me that I can't possibly understand him, I can watch the video and remember a time when we communicate without words.

This morning, John and I were trying to get just a few more minutes of sleep. John had Luke under his arm cuddled next to him and Luke was fussing. I put my face down next to his and I stroked his hand. He quieted, and I'd like to think that it was because of my breath, my touch, and my smell. Something magical between him and me, something no one else could share. These are the moments I am so thankful to have.

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